Radio France Internacional interviews Alain Hierro, CEO of Dropson

The radio programme «Life on the Planet» on Radio France International, interviewed Alain Hierro, creator of the Dropson Filter Can and CEO of the French-Spanish company Dropson.

An interview in which he explains that great ideas can arise at any time and in any situation, when the objective is clear.



A tourism industry that continues growing in Spain, with over 80 million tourists a year and the thousands of tons of plastic waste that this generates, Dropson has created a filtering can capable of producing up to 300 liters of quality water directly from the tap.

An initiative that aims to change bottled water consumption habits and reduce the environmental impact of bottled water. A solution to a problem that is increasing every day.

To play the podcast of the interview, click on the audio below:


Find out more about the Dropson Filter Can.
