Dropson filter can at Conama 2018

Newcomers from Conama, Dropson assessed its passage through the 14th edition of the National Environment Congress.

The Dropson filter can and its creator and CEO of the company, Alain Hierro, together with Daniel Rolleri, director of the Ambiente Europeo Association and projet partner, traveled to Madrid to meet in the environmental event of reference in our country and present the Dropson filter can as one of the ten finalists selected in the second edition of Conama Ecodesign Competition.



Ecodesign is a contest presented by Inédit and Conama Fundation, aimed at identifying and valuing sustainable and environmentally friendly projects that promote the circular economy model and reduce the environmental impact in its life cycle.

The filter can was one of the ten finalist projects in the competition and Alain Hierro, CEO of Dropson, and Daniel Rolleri, director of the Ambiente Europeo Association, were in charge of presentig it.


Audiovisual proposal: Dropson filter can – CONAMA 2018

Sources: ANEABE, ONU, GREENPEACE, Ambiente Europeo Assotiation and Head of Water Quality of Municipal Waters of Alicante.

This video was the beginning of the presentation of the Dropson water filter, as a sustainable solution for consuming table water without contributing to the increase of plastic waste. Alain Hierro, placed greater emphasison to the 100% natural internal technology of the filter, while Daniel Rolleri, focused attention on the current problem of single-use plastics in the environment and marine ecosystems, and how the use of the filter can contribute to its reduction.


1. Plastic reduction:

Very little plastic is needed to manufacture a Dropson filter can. With an estimated capacity of 300 litres of water and only 85g of plastic, it replaces 200 1.5L bottles and a total of 7kg of plastic.


2. Reduced transport:

A heavy truck is required to transport 16,600 1.5L (25 tons) bottles, equivalent to about 25,000 litres of water. However, only one loading trolley is needed to transport 84 Dropson cans (9kg) equivalent to 25,000 litres of filtered water.


3. Reduction of CO2 emissions:

100 heavy trucks would transport 1,660,000 1,5L. bottles, about 2,500,000 liters of water. The same amount of water could be obtained with 8,333 Dropson cans transported in a single van. Can you imagine the gasoil consumption of 100 trucks and their respective CO2 emissions?


Made in Spain

The Dropson filter can is manufactured entirely in Spain, more specifically in Santa Pola, Alicante.

Aware of its impact on the value chain, Dropson meets the corporate responsability of sustainable production, investing in R+D+i with its own engineering department to create the vast majority of its machines and processes, and with nearby and competitive suppliers.

* New sales points soon.


Dropson among the ten best projects in Ecodesign

Dropson had the opportunity to share and present with other nine amazing projects such as the Lanjarón Red project (Aguas de Danone), recycling of plastic collected from beaches and oceans of Fairy (P&G), Source Essentielle project (L´Oreal Spain) or the award winner by the public, ecodesign and transformation (L´estoc), among others.

The jury was made up of three members who were experts in the field of ecodesign: Laura Garbajosa Escalera, BSH Spain’s Environment technician, Joan Rieradevall Pons, professor and researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and María Pérez Sainz, Ecoembes Business and Ecodesign specialist.

Without a doubt, a rewarding and enriching experience to obtain new knowledge and gain experience in one of the fundamental pillars of Dropson, ecodesign and respect for the environment within business activity.



On 26 November, shortly after the official opening of Conama 2018, the «Marine litter» working group coordinated by the Association of Environmental Sciences (ACA) began  in the Berlin hall. Daniel Rolleri, director of the Ambiente Europeo Association, participated as a speaker in the innovation block, presenting the Dropson filter can as a sustainable alternative to bottled water.

The working group focused on updating the current state of marine litter in Spain, giving continuity to multiple actions aimed at raising awareness in society, disseminating the Citizen´s Decalogue against marine litter and presenting initiatives and projects committed to this global problem.


In each can hides one hero of the sea

Marine litter is one of the greatest environmental challenges facing humanity today. Dropson collaborates with the Ambiente Europeo Association in its MarSana project, to face this challenge that affects our seas and oceans.