Dropson selection software

Calculation and sizing

Dropson technology integrates a calculation and sizing software that allows to select the units adapted to the needs and applications. User friendly, no specific training is needed for its use. The calculation is based on the application´s flowrate, water hardness and the type of application according to directives of the HS4 regulation.

Your study in a few clicks

Upon printing, a study report will appear with the entered data and the selected applications:

– Dropson unit model
– Sediment filter model
– Required prefiltration levels
– Connection diagram type

A graph will show the result in cubic metres according to a degree of hardness. It will also show the preformance curve of the selected Dropson model according to the application required.

The need/performance equation is solved

Our software resolves the equation between the unit´s performance and the needs of the application. It is an essential tool, available at our professional-oriented website.

The resulting reports are easily integrated in the content of your files and represent a technical warranty for your customers.