Comparison: Dropson vs. traditional water softener


Will my installation be protected against limescale?

Both systems are designed to fight against lime. DROPSON electronic anti-scale system use a physical process to prevent the formation of lime.

The traditional salt water softener is a chemical system that removes lime by means of ion exchange resins.

Does the system remove calcium?

Physical systems prevent the formation of calcium carbonate (lime) without removing it. DROPSON physically treats the water and the calcium carbonate becomes non-fouling.

The water softener captures the calcium ions and releases sodium instead (ion exchange resin system).

Will the system reduce existing lime deposits in my facility?

DROPSON systems have the ability to prevent the formation of lime in your installation. In addition, they will dissolve the lime already incrusted progressively.

Is the water still potable and suitable for human consumption?

DROPSON does not modify the natural composition of the water. Its treatment cell is made of food-grade 316L stainless steel. The water retains its original properties and is suitable for consumption.

The water softener modifies the chemical characteristics of water. Sodium levels increase significantly and may exceed the limits allowed by the WHO: 200 mg/liter. Water treated by traditional water softener is not suitable for human consumption.

Do I have to add salt all the time?

The DROPSON electronic water softener uses a physical process and does not require any consumables.

Traditional water softeners need a continuous supply of salt as they use a chemical principle to treat the water.

Will the system increase my water consumption?

DROPSON does not need any regeneration.

Traditional water softeners require periodic regeneration of ion exchange resins. They can reject up to 200 litres of water per regeneration. The frequency of regeneration can vary between 4 and 7 times per month.

Is the system corrosive and can it damage my installation?

Dropson protects installations against lime and corrosion. Dropson systems are not corrosive as they do not release sodium.

Traditional salt water softeners exchange captured calcium for sodium. Sodium is corrosive and can be a medium and long term risk to our facilities. Some boiler manufacturers void the warranty on their products if the user uses a salt decalcifier.

Is the treated water suitable for watering my garden?

The DROPSON electronic anti-scale system does not change the chemical characteristics of the water. Sodium levels remain unchanged. Water treated by Dropson is suitable for irrigation.

Watering with water treated by a salt decalcifier is contraindicated as sodium levels are very high.

Does it have a high maintenance cost?

DROPSON systems only require one electrical connection and their energy consumption is very low, comparable to that of a low-energy bulb.

The annual maintenance cost of a traditional water softener is high. To the amount of salt used must be added the wasted water.

Will the clothes be softer than before?

DROPSON anti-limescale systems prevent the formation of calcium carbonate in tissue fibres. The water treated by the Dropson electronic system becomes non-fouling. Clothes will be softer than before.

When calcium is removed, it does not adhere to the tissue fibers.

Will lime stains be visible in my sink or shower screen?

With DROPSON, even though the stains are visible, they are very easy to clean.

In order not to have lime stains with a traditional water softener, it must be regulated in such a way that the hardness levels are very low. Achieving and maintaining these levels so low, causes very high levels of sodium and the water becomes very corrosive for the installation.

Is it the best choice for areas where the water is very hard?

DROPSON does not modify the chemical composition of the water and prevents the formation of lime.

With a traditional salt water softener, the greater the hardness, the greater the calcium/sodium exchange. Water with high sodium levels causes strong corrosion of the installations.

Do I have to add salt to my dishwasher?

In the physical treatments, after a strong evaporation of water as in the drying of the dishes, the water can leave traces in the form of fine powder of calcium carbonate. These traces are easy to clean as they have not crystallized on the crockery. By adding a little salt to your dishwasher, the stains will disappear.